Ensuring your dentures last as long as possible is essential for your comfort and confidence.
Our dental team is here to help you ensure long-lasting dentures. Let’s explore what factors affect denture lifespan and discover simple ways to preserve their integrity.
How Long Do Dentures Last?
Dentures last 5-7 years on average. However, implant-supported dentures tend to last longer because of their greater durability. Overall, denture lifespan depends on a blend of factors including:
- Dental Hygiene: Dentures require regular care, just like natural teeth. Oral hygiene practices will affect plaque buildup, stains, and damage. Better care equals longer lifespan.
- Alignment: Over time, your jawbone and gums may change, which impacts denture fit. Poor-fitting dentures require replacement much sooner, which is why regular assessment and adjustment help them last longer.
- Storage: To maintain your denture’s strength and shape, store them correctly. Improper storage leads to dry, brittle dentures.
- Diet and Habits: Dentures allow you to eat your favorite foods, but very hard, sticky ones can damage them. Only chew on food, and avoid nail biting or chewing non-food objects.
How to Make Dentures Last Longer
Follow these simple tips to help your dentures last longer:
- Daily Cleaning: Brush dentures every single day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use denture-safe toothpaste to scrub away stains and remove plaque.
- Careful Handling: Gently handle dentures. Avoid dropping them and store them correctly to prevent damage.
- Regular Check-ups: Visit the dentist every six months for a thorough evaluation. The dentist will check over your dentures and address any concerns promptly.
- Avoid Hot Water: When soaking or cleaning dentures, opt for lukewarm water. Scalding hot water may distort dentures, ruining them.
Visit Benton Family Dental Care for Denture Care in Grand Rapids, MI
For all of your denture services, count on Benton Family Dental Care. Our knowledgeable dentist in Grand Rapids helps you with all of your denture care needs, and we offer personalized treatment plans to help you care for your smile. Count on us for denture cleaning, repair, adjustments, and more.
Let’s care for your dentures today! Book an appointment with our dentist for your dentures in Grand Rapids.