When is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

Dentist Holding Dental X-ray Of A Patient

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common topic in dental care, but it’s not necessary for every patient. Let’s explore the factors influencing whether wisdom tooth extraction is needed, and what individuals should consider before deciding.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the backmost set of molars,and they erupt much later than other teeth. Typically, wisdom teeth don’t come in until the teenage or early adulthood years. Some people don’t have a problem with wisdom teeth, but others need to get them removed.

However, not everyone has the same number of wisdom teeth. Some people don’t have them at all! Even amongst those with wisdom teeth, extraction will depend on the size and angle of the teeth.

Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Discomfort is a common reason to extract wisdom teeth, but even without it, the dentist may recommend wisdom tooth extraction for the following reasons:

Signs to Consider Wisdom Tooth Removal

Certain symptoms may signal the need for wisdom tooth extraction:

Visit Benton Family Dental Care for Wisdom Tooth Removal in Grand Rapids, MI

If you’re uncertain about wisdom tooth extraction in Grand Rapids turn to Benton Family Dental Care for evaluation and guidance. Our team assesses each patient’s situation and provides personalized recommendations. 

If you do need a wisdom tooth extraction, count on us for a smooth procedure. Schedule your wisdom tooth removal consultation in Grand Rapids, MI today.

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