Achieving Your Best Smile: A Guide to Veneer Selection

A Shade Guide To Check Veneers

Want a smile makeover? Veneers could be the answer! Our team at Benton Family Dental Care in Grand Rapids offers these thin porcelain layers to fix chips and stains, giving your smile a fresh look.

Choosing the right veneers is about matching them to your face and style. Here’s a simple guide to finding your perfect fit:

Assess Your Face Shape

Different face shapes suit different veneers. If you have a square jaw, full-coverage porcelain veneers work best. For an oval face or high cheekbones, go for thinner, more natural-looking veneers.

Pick the Right Veneer Color

It can be tempting to pick the whitest possible veneers. Afterall, you want a bright smile! However, simply picking the brightest shade may look unnatural. Instead, you must consider your unique smile and features.

How Much Do Veneers Cost in Grand Rapids?

The cost of veneers varies since it is a custom treatment. The veneer teeth material and application method both play a role. At Benton Family Dental, we offer several options to help you get affordable veneers. After evaluating your needs, we provide you with a personalized quote.

Ready for Your Veneer Consultation in Grand Rapids?

If you’re looking to transform your smile, then consider veneers. Benton Family Dental Care is here to help you get your dream smile. We offer modern veneers to transform your smile into one you love. Our knowledgeable team will help you select the right ones for your dental goals.

Book your consultation for veneers in Grand Rapids today!

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