When Should Your Child’s First Dental Visit Be?

A Baby With A Toothbrush In His Mouth

Ensuring optimal dental hygiene for your child starts early. Just as timely medical checkups are crucial, early dental visits help kids maintain optimal oral health for years to come.

Wondering when your child should have their first dental appointment?

Keep reading to learn about when kids should see the dentist for the first time.

When Is the Ideal Time for Your Child's First Dental Appointment?

Given the unique pace at which children develop, determining the right time for their first dental visit can be challenging. While it hinges on individual dental milestones, there are some overarching recommendations.

Children should have their first dental visit by the age of 1 or within 6 months of their first tooth emerging – whichever occurs first. Even if your child doesn’t have many teeth, or any at all, this visit is still important. The dentist can assess their oral progress and help them acclimate to dental care.

Why Early Dental Appointments Matter

A child’s first dental visit is not very long or in-depth. Unless they have a lot of teeth, it likely won’t even include a cleaning. Instead, it will entail a brief oral health exam.  Despite its simplicity, this initial dental appointment offers the following benefits:

Visit Our Kid's Dentist in Grand Rapids, MI

Kids should visit the dentist by their first birthday. These first appointments lay the foundation for a positive relationship with dental care. They also ensure your child’s proper oral development, and give you a chance to learn valuable at-home dental care tips. 

The key is to choose a children’s dentist in Grand Rapids that you can trust. Our team at Benton Family Dental Care is here to help. We have ample experience working with children of all ages, and we are here to provide the best possible dental care for yours.

Contact us and schedule your appointment at our children’s dental clinic in Grand Rapids today!

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